Культурология |Culture and Art Studies
“Specialty Article and Text Summarizing” Lingo Simulator
“Составление аннотации, краткого изложения статьи, текста по специальности”
Unit-1 Unit-2 Unit-3 Unit-4 Unit-5 Unit-6 Unit-7 Unit-8 Unit-9 Unit-10
Learn And Practice Culture and
Art Studies Conversations
Specialty Dialogues!
Memorise as many as possible of the expressions and phrases contained in the conversations, since they are used by English people time and time again in the given
Test topics |Список тем Тестов
The history of the fine arts;
The game and the ritual in the culture;
The history of the world theater;
Modern cultural theories;
Fashion history;
The history of the world cinema;
Art and Culture of Asia and Africa;
Culture and Art of the Americas;
Modern culture and art avant-garde;
Modern mass culture.