Электротехника и электротехнологии  |Electrical Engineering and Technology

Electrical Engineering and Technology English

|Аанглийсикий язык специальности "Электротехника и электротехнологии "


Unit-1    Unit-2    Unit-3    Unit-   Unit-5    Unit-6   Unit-7     Unit-8    Unit-9     Unit-10     Unit-11     Unit-12

“Specialty Article and Text Summarizing” Lingo Simulator

“Составление аннотации, краткого изложения статьи, текста по специальности”

 Электротехника и электротехнологии

 Unit-1 Unit-2 Unit-3 Unit-4 Unit-5 Unit-6 Unit-7 Unit-8 Unit-9 Unit-10

 Learn And Practice Electrical Engineering Conversations
Specialty Dialogues!
Memorise as many as possible of the expressions and phrases contained in the conversations, since they are used by English people time and time again in the given situations:


Good morning, professor. I must admit that I have some problem with the topic of your last lecture about electricity. Could you help to find out, what electricity is.



Components and assemblies



Monitoring and control

Good afternoon. Today’s guest is Johann Emsley, an expert on power monitoring and control. She agrees to share all she knows about problems in power generation. So, what fact is the most sophisticated in maintaining a continuous supply?



The components of a circuit

Good morning. I’d like to know if the components of a circuit can be wired only in series. I am going to arrange light on my Christmas tree and need your advice.



Electricity distribution

Hello. I’ve come up against the problem of minimizing energy losses when electricity is distributed to my site. So, what are the stages of electricity distribution?



Electric power transmission

Part 1 Hello, everyone. Today we’re going to hear the lecture about electric power transmission. Our lecturer, Adam Graham, is going to talk about all steps of power transmission, starting from the power stations. So, Adam, what happens, when electric power is carried from the power stations that generate it? Part 2 OK, let’s find out, what is the consequence of Joule’s law on power transmission? And how is the problem overcome?


Part 3 So, what is an important concept in electric power transmission?


Part 4 Oh, we only have time for one last question. Do you think it is difficult to store electrical energy?


Part 5 Yes, in the end we’d like to know how the voltage in power lines is stepped up and stepped down during the transmission process in order to reduce losses.



Quiz 1

Quiz 2

Quiz 3

Quiz 4

Quiz 5

 Test topics  |Список тем Тестов


Computer Engineering and Programming; Вычислительная техника и программирование;
Engineering Graphics; Инженерная графика;
Theoretical Mechanics; Теоретическая механика;
Applied Mechanics; Прикладная механика;
Economics of the industry; Экономика отрасли;
Theory of Electrical Engineering; Теоретические основы электротехники;
Electronics and microcircuitry; Электроника и микросхемотехника;
Electrical machinery; Электрические машины;
Automatic Control Theory; Теория автоматического управления;
Theory of electric drive; Теория электропривода;
Microprocessor devices; Микропроцессорные устройства;
Electrical equipment; Электрические аппараты;
Modeling of electromechanical systems; Моделирование электромеханических систем;
Fundamentals of metrology and electrical measurements; Основы метрологии и электрических измерений;
Electric drive control systems; Системы управления электроприводами;
Basics of computer-aided design of electromechanical devices and systems; Основы автоматизированного проектирования электромеханических устройств и систем;

Англо-русский словарь по системному анализу, программированию, электронике и электроприводу


   Англо-русский словарь и система контекстуального поиска по переводам (произношение и перевод)


Nothing in the design of any of the motors requires that the iron portions of the rotor actually rotate.
Induction machines exhibit startup torque and can operate as standalone machines.