Журналистика |Journalism

“Specialty Article and Text Summarizing” Lingo Simulator

“Составление аннотации, краткого изложения статьи, текста по специальности”



Unit-1 Unit-2 Unit-3 Unit-4 Unit-5 Unit-6 Unit-7 Unit-8 Unit-9 Unit-10

What Reporters, Correspondents, Journalists and Broadcast News Analysts Do

 Learn And Practice Journalism Conversations
Specialty Dialogues!
Memorise as many as possible of the expressions and phrases contained in the conversations, since they are used by English people time and time again in the given situations:

©Ceramella N., Lee E. - Cambridge English for the Media - 2008

Practising interview skills

Giving instructions in the newsroom

Useful phrases for briefing someone over the phone

Planning the contents of a magazine

Organising filming (Part I)

Organising filming (Part II)

The language of radio presenters

Specialty Topics |Темы специальности


    Социальная информатика
     Основы социокоммуникативные деятельности
     Основы графического дизайна
     аудиовизуальные коммуникации
     Организация работы пресс-службы
     Теле- радиовиробництво
     Креативные технологии в рекламе и PR
     Аудиовизуальные средства в журналистской, рекламной и PR-деятельности


Specialty Topics |Темы специальности


      Social informatics
      Basics of socio-communicative activities
      media culture
      media technology
      Graphic Design Basics
      audiovisual communications
      Online journalism
      Organization of the press service
      Radio and Television
      Creative technologies in advertising and PR
      Audiovisual media in journalistic, advertising and PR activities