Электромеханика |Electromechanics


“Specialty Article and Text Summarizing” Lingo Simulator

“Составление аннотации, краткого изложения статьи, текста по специальности”


 Unit-1 Unit-2 Unit-3 Unit-4 Unit-5 Unit-6 Unit-7 Unit-8 Unit-9 Unit-10

 Learn And Practice Electro-mechanics Conversations
Specialty Dialogues!
Memorise as many as possible of the expressions and phrases contained in the conversations, since they are used by English people time and time again in the given situations:

Distribution process



Signal process

Part 1 Welcome to our lecturer. Today’s topic is signal processing. With me today is Nick Smith, representing a lecture about types and applications of signal processing. So, Nick, shall we start?


Part 2 OK, now the next thing I want to ask you all about are filters. Will filters have any serious effect on the level of noise in the ECG graph?


Part 3 So, increasingly we find all about advantages of digital filters. Now, it’s time to get the whole picture and look at applications of signal processing and filters.





Microsystems technology

Part 1 Good morning. Today we’re going to listen to a lecture about electromechanical systems at the micro and nano levels by a guest speaker in our faculty. She will look at these fascinating devices which are already being used in a wide range of different areas.



Part 2 Thank you. Can you expand on that, Dr. Myatt? I’d like to know about two main processes in the manufacture of MEMS. And about all applications of MEMS, as well.


Part 3 Will you tell us about nanoelectromechanical systems, Professor Myatt? What do they have in common with MEMS? Can NEMS be manufactured in a similar way to MEMS?






Test topics |Список тем Тестов

Algorithmic languages and software; Алгоритмические языки и программное обеспечение;
Engineering Graphics; Инженерная графика;
Engineering mechanics;   Техническая механика;
Theory of Electrical Engineering;   Теоретические основы электротехники;
Electrical Machines; Электрические машины;
Industrial Electronics; Промышленная электроника;
Fundamentals of metrology and electrical measurements; Основы метрологии и электрические измерения;
Microprocessor technology;   Микропроцессорная техника;
Basics of actuator;   Основы электропривода;
Basics of electricity supply;   Основы электроснабжения;
Electrical apparatus;  Электрические аппараты;
Automatic Control Theory; Теория автоматического управления;
Electric systems and networks;  Электрические системы и сети;
Electrical technological installation;   Электротехнологические установки;
Fundamentals of Heat Engineering; Основы теплотехники;
Air conditioning and refrigeration; Системы кондиционирования и охлаждения;
Source and net heating;   Источники и сети теплоснабжения;
Organization of production and marketing;   Организация производства и маркетинг;
Economy of the region; Экономика отрасли;
Modern electrical drive; Современный электропривод;
Power saving modes and technologies; Энергосберегающие режимы и технологии;
Installation and operation of electrical equipment; Монтаж и эксплуатация электрооборудования;
Power supply of industrial enterprises; Электроснабжение промышленных предприятий;


Англо-русский словарь по системному анализу, программированию, электронике и электроприводу


   Англо-русский словарь и система контекстуального поиска по переводам (произношение и перевод)