Metallurgy |Металлургия
“Specialty Article and Text Summarizing” Lingo Simulator
“Составление аннотации, краткого изложения статьи, текста по специальности”
Unit-1 Unit-2 Unit-3 Unit-4 Unit-5 Unit-6 Unit-7 Unit-8 Unit-9 Unit-10
Learn And Practice Metallurgy
|Металлургия Conversations
Specialty Dialogues!
Memorise as many as possible of the expressions and phrases contained in the conversations, since they are used by English people time and time again in the given
Part 2
Part 2
Test topics |Список тем Тестов
Crystallography and mineralogy;
Modeling and optimal technological systems;
New materials;
Theory and technology of metallurgical production;
Theory of the structure of a rare, crystalline and amorphous substances mill;
Casting alloys and melting;
Principles of Management;
Special types of casting;
Technology of iron, steel and nonferrous castings;
History of art and jewelry casting;
Theory and practice of getting art and jewelry
Англо-русский словарь и система контекстуального поиска по переводам