Компьютерное проектирование и дизайн машин |Computer-aided engineering and machine design

Ask-Answer Specialty Questions Lingo Simulator - Computer-aided engineering and machine design
Ask questions to the given answers!

Unit-1    Unit-2    Unit-3    Unit-4    Unit-5    Unit-6   Unit-7     Unit-8    Unit-9     Unit-10

“Specialty Article and Text Summarizing” Lingo Simulator

“Составление аннотации, краткого изложения статьи, текста по специальности” 

Computer science Компьютерные науки |

Unit-1    Unit-2    Unit-3    Unit-4    Unit-5    Unit-6   Unit-7     Unit-8    Unit-9     Unit-10

 Learn And Practice Computer science Conversations
Specialty Dialogues!
Memorise as many as possible of the expressions and phrases contained in the conversations, since they are used by English people time and time again in the given situations:

Webpage Creator

Assistive technologies

IT solutions

Virtual reality

AI (Artificial intelligence) and expert systems

The Future of IT

 Обучение лексике


  Computer science 2
  Computer science 3
  Computer science 4
  Computer science 5
  Computer science 6
  Computer science 7
  Computer science 8
  Computer science 9
  Computer science 10 

Результат тестирования:

0% -  20%    "2"
21% - 40%   "2+"
41% - 60%   "3"
61% - 80%   "4"
81% - 100% "5"


Англо-русский  словарь компьютерных технологий



   Англо-русский словарь и система контекстуального поиска по переводам (произношение и перевод)


Test topics |Список тем Тестов


Англо-русский  словарь компьютерных технологий


Engineering and computer graphics;
Fundamentals of programming and algorithmic languages (Pascal, C / C etc);
Object-oriented programming (C, C #, Java, etc.);
Languages of machine oriented programming;
System programming and operating systems;
Programming technology and the creation of software products;
Programming in global computer networks (HTML, PHP, etc.);
Computer circuit engineering;
Computer architecture;
Information theory and coding;
Systems modeling and systems analysis;
Methods and tools for computing to information technology;
Multimedia technology;
Organization of data and knowledge bases;
Methods and tools for information security;
Design Basics artificial intelligence systems;
Pattern Recognition and neuronal net technology;
Engineering management and project management



   Англо-русский словарь и система контекстуального поиска по переводам (произношение и перевод)